This is a free classifieds blog dedicated to sharing and discussing pertinent issues bordering on free internet advertising.
Friday, 31 August 2012
Saturday, 25 August 2012
Ideas for Your Free Classifieds Site
1. Product Catalogue or Comprehensive Corporate Website. One of the unduly forgotten applications of a good classifieds script is running a full-fledged corporate website on it. The built-in CMS allows you to create all sorts of pages, include news and current events, product and services description page and categories. And, of course, the catalogue of the products presented by your company (equipment, machinery, devices, furniture, etc). You can break the product catalogue in several sub-categories, if needed. Besides you can include a number of fields to provide extensive description of all the features of your products and/or services, insert video and plenty of pictures to present each item in the most favourable light.
2. Vehicle Classifieds Portal. You can also create a fast growing and popular on-line multi-category vehicle classifieds portal that offers exciting and effective service to buy and sell any type of vehicles, accessories and related services. Classified ads can include vehicle specs, photos, mileage, price, year, body style, fuel type, exterior and interior color and more. And powerful and flexible search tools will have buyers searching for their specific vehicle. With your own vehicle classified website, you are instantly gaining the competitive edge by offering the highest variety of vehicles on a single website.
3. Business Directory. There is an effective way to create a fast growing and attractive Business for Sale Directory Service and give your customers access to a wealth of new business opportunities and resources. Your target audience will include startup business owners, entrepreneurs, investors, business brokers, managers, everybody looking to start a new business. You can easily create a SEO-friendly online business directory designed to offer businesses for sale, franchise opportunities, and feature business wanted ads. It’s a chance to organize a unique on-line marketplace where your customers advertise their businesses and expose multiple business opportunities to prospective buyers.
4. Restaurant and Hotel Guide. You can create a clean-cut Yellow Pages-style online Restaurant and Hotel Guide. It features popular neighborhood locations or tourist hot spots, and serves as a great town/city guide for visitors and locals alike. You can add extra sections (entertainment, sports and recreational activities) to turn your website into a veritable city/town community making money on banner advertisements from local service providers and listing fees. Such a guide for your local community is a steady source of income from local businesses lined up to post their classifieds ads on your resource.

6. Collectibles Website. One of the most obvious and simple applications of a classifieds software is creating a collectable website. You can have an all-in-one collectable website for your local area, or run a nation-wide collectable website on a more specific category (dolls, coins, toys, knives, artwork, antiques, jewelry, glass, pottery, radios, photos, sports items, memorabilia, etc.), or even a very focused website (Pre-WWII Silver Dollar Collectable, or Bowie Knives of the World). You can set up a collectible community and let fans like you build it and grow it. Change the design, look and feel, use advanced SEO features to get your items indexed by search engines to get max exposure and attract new members.
7. On-line Career Network. A good classifieds script can serve as an efficient tool to create a popular on-line career network serving Career Builders and Recruiters in your region, nation-wide, or worldwide. You can develop your unique job website that will serve the needs of businesses and recruitment agencies by offering thousands and thousands of full-time, part-time, and contract job vacancies everyday! It is also a great way of letting individuals advertise their skills and capabilities looking for their dream jobs. With career-related classifieds website, you will give people a voice and a platform to promote themselves, make them visible and available for new career opportunities. Feel free to contribute to your nation's economy by reducing unemployment and overcoming the recession.
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
When Is the Best Time to Post Ads?
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Knowing when to post ads can be more important than deciding what to post. In this day and age, people's lives are more hectic than ever. Whether it is Twitter, Facebook or even Tumblr; each of these different social media networks have an optimal to either post content or upload media such as music, videos or photos. So whether you are simply uploading smooth R & B beats, instrumental beats, hip-hop beats or just some photos, it is best to know what the best times are.
One of the most popular ways to advertise and promote yourself via social media is through Twitter. Being able to connect with the masses at real time is a powerful way to get maximum exposure quick, cheap and effectively. The best time to make a tweet in order to maximize your target market is from Monday thru Thursday between the times of 1 – 3PM EST. Anytime after that time especially on Friday's runs you the risk of missing out on the key people that need to be reached.
On the other hand, a company such as Tumblr has a completely different optimal time for posting content. With Tumblr being a micro blogging platform and social media network, things are much different from Twitter. Instead of receiving real time messages, Tumblr is based more on blogging and content. Due to the fact that this content is more lengthy in nature, it requires more time for an individual to properly read and digest the information. Because of this, Tumblr users are more likely to check things out after 4PM EST, especially on Fridays. This may be due to the fact that users wanting to be in the comfort of their own home when trying to view this content as opposed to viewing at work or at school.
Finally, the largest social media networking site is Facebook by a long shot. Facebook is essentially a combination of blogging, real time text and media posting all in one. It has evolved from a network that was strictly for college students, to a world wide social media network open to the entire planet. Many people who are looking for dope beats or rap beats search on Facebook or simply look through their news feed for the same results. The best time to see optimal results when posting content whether it is music, blogging or photos is Monday thru Friday between the times of 1 – 4PM EST. This may be due to the fact that people of a certain age are less likely to log onto Facebook once they have left work or school and have gone home for the day.
Understanding and implementing a posting schedule based on this important information can be the difference between success and failure when you are actively posting, blogging or uploading on any of these popular social media networks. As long as you follow this schedule, you are assured to maximize your exposure in the social media arena.Monday, 6 August 2012
How to Write Effective Classified Ads
The single most important thing in an advertising campaign is GOOD AD COPY. We all understand the importance of having an ad that illicits positive responses from readers. What everyone does not understand is how to achieve this. To assist you, we have come up with a few basic rules to writing an effective classified ad. Here’s where you start...
Effective classified ads should have three basic parts.
THE HEADLINE is the most important part of your ad. It is in the headline that you will either get the readers attention and pull them in or you won’t. If you don’t spark their interest with the headline, then you have lost them and they simply will not read you ad. A good headline should have action verbs that encourage the reader to do something. It should also be believable.
THE BODY is where you need to elaborate on the headline. Don’t overdo it, keep it short and simple. With a classified ad, you are generally trying to keep the word count to 15 to 25 words, so you never want to actually sell the reader in the ad, you just want to spark their interest enough to make them want to learn more.
A common error that many unsuccessful advertisers make is trying to put too much in an ad. This results in a busy ad that lacks focus. To make matters worse they often abbreviate words to the point they lose meaning. Through the years, we have made many a telephone call to customers to have them explain to us what they are trying to say in over-abbreviated ads. Unless, an abbreviation is commonly recognized by the common person avoid using it. You do not want sacrifice an ad campaign to save a buck!
THE CALL TO ACTION is basically the end of the ad. Generally, it is not much more than a sentence in length. Effective classified ads will not have just a phone number or web address at the end of the ad. They will have contact information paired with action words. Sometimes in trying to keep the price down for an ad, advertisers will omit simple words like “call now” or “log onto”. This is not recommended as readers need this simple call to action to entice them one last time to respond. Studies have been done and it has been shown that these simple words increase response to classified ads.
One last bit of advice for this portion of the ad is to pair it with a special offer. Being able to use statements like “limited time offer”, “special bonus to first 100 customers” or “this week only” can significantly increase response.
How will your customers contact you?...
Here are a few more pointers that advertisers should know. The means that customers respond will dramatically effect results. A toll free telephone number is still the best means to generate leads. This is not used by all advertisers for a variety of reasons, but those who have the capability and the budget are encouraged to include a toll free number. If a toll free number is not in the budget then a regular long distance number is the next best thing. A live person answering the calls is going to result in more sales than an answering machine providing the operator is knowledgeable and courteous. The easier you can make it for a reader to respond and buy your product or service the more successful you will be!
Web addresses are more and more popular in classified advertisements. Adding web addresses to ads, will generally increase the responses, but if it is in conjunction with a phone number (which we recommend) you will get fewer calls as some readers will simple go to the website instead of calling. So make sure the website is professional and properly functioning. If you are considering using a web address in the ad as a sole means of contact, please keep in mind that not all people have web access or are comfortable doing business online so you will be limiting the number of potential responses.
Any time readers are required to write for more information, responses drop. However, the up side to this option is that there is less expense to the advertiser. Through the years, we have seen a variety of successful advertisers utilize write in responses, so it can be done. The most important thing to remember is to have professional literature to mail to the potential customers. This literature will make or break your sale so make it good!
It has been my experience that the worst method of responding that we have seen time and time again is asking the customer to send money in the mail for a product or service. These will not work for a variety or reasons. First, you are requiring a small classified ad to sell something in three or four sentences. A difficult task to say the least. Second, most people are understandably wary of sending money in the mail to a company that they know nothing about. The public has been warned time and again about scam companies who prey on people using this means of advertising. If you have a good product or service avoid going this route. You simply will not be pleased with your advertising results!
Where to Advertise and How Often?....
Once you have a good ad written, the next step is to seriously consider your budget. We get calls from new customers regularly who ask for guidance in what program they should purchase. The first thing we always ask is what is your monthly budget. It is surprising to us that many advertisers cannot answer that question. Before you begin, look at your finances and figure out what you can comfortably invest in advertising on a monthly basis. Take that figure and divide it by four to get a weekly figure. Then, unless you are limited in geographic regions, search according to price range on our website. For example, if you have a $175 weekly budget, go to the $100-$199 buys and see if there is anything that would suit your needs. Keep in mind that you could run one buy for $175 or several smaller buys to meet your budget. If you are limited to a certain geographic region, you will want to search by state.
The most important thing is to stick to a budget so that you can afford to run the programs for a four week run. There are several advantages to this method. First, you will get repetition which will greatly improve your response rate. We will talk more about this a little later! Secondly, we have several programs that offer multiple week discounts at four weeks. If you purchase four weeks at one time you can save a great deal of money and possibly allow you to buy into an additional market with your savings!
As for the importance of repetition, we cannot emphasize enough how critical this is! Repetitive advertising builds credibility in your advertising campaign and allows the reader to feel comfortable in responding to your ad. Repetitive advertising also builds responses. In college, we were taught the Rule of Seven. Basically, the Rule of Seven claims that a reader must see an add seven times before he or she will respond to it. New advertisers are often surprised by this number because they are not realistic in their expectations. The facts are that a newly published ad may not get noticed the first few publications, then when a reader see it, they may or may not respond. Most customers do not respond to ads the first time they see an ad, but each time they see the ad, you are building trust with them. As you get more and more visibility, you will get more responses and increase sales. The first week you advertise will never be your best. If you do a four week trial run for any program as suggested, you will be off to a good start and get a good feel for what the program will do for you.
Professionals can assist you with copy writing when you order from their service like, but it is important that you learn to recognize a good ad when you see it. You know your business better than anyone else. Who is the best choice to promote your product or service than the one person that knows your business inside and out... YOURSELF!
A common error that many unsuccessful advertisers make is trying to put too much in an ad. This results in a busy ad that lacks focus. To make matters worse they often abbreviate words to the point they lose meaning. Through the years, we have made many a telephone call to customers to have them explain to us what they are trying to say in over-abbreviated ads. Unless, an abbreviation is commonly recognized by the common person avoid using it. You do not want sacrifice an ad campaign to save a buck!
THE CALL TO ACTION is basically the end of the ad. Generally, it is not much more than a sentence in length. Effective classified ads will not have just a phone number or web address at the end of the ad. They will have contact information paired with action words. Sometimes in trying to keep the price down for an ad, advertisers will omit simple words like “call now” or “log onto”. This is not recommended as readers need this simple call to action to entice them one last time to respond. Studies have been done and it has been shown that these simple words increase response to classified ads.
One last bit of advice for this portion of the ad is to pair it with a special offer. Being able to use statements like “limited time offer”, “special bonus to first 100 customers” or “this week only” can significantly increase response.
How will your customers contact you?...
Here are a few more pointers that advertisers should know. The means that customers respond will dramatically effect results. A toll free telephone number is still the best means to generate leads. This is not used by all advertisers for a variety of reasons, but those who have the capability and the budget are encouraged to include a toll free number. If a toll free number is not in the budget then a regular long distance number is the next best thing. A live person answering the calls is going to result in more sales than an answering machine providing the operator is knowledgeable and courteous. The easier you can make it for a reader to respond and buy your product or service the more successful you will be!
Web addresses are more and more popular in classified advertisements. Adding web addresses to ads, will generally increase the responses, but if it is in conjunction with a phone number (which we recommend) you will get fewer calls as some readers will simple go to the website instead of calling. So make sure the website is professional and properly functioning. If you are considering using a web address in the ad as a sole means of contact, please keep in mind that not all people have web access or are comfortable doing business online so you will be limiting the number of potential responses.
Any time readers are required to write for more information, responses drop. However, the up side to this option is that there is less expense to the advertiser. Through the years, we have seen a variety of successful advertisers utilize write in responses, so it can be done. The most important thing to remember is to have professional literature to mail to the potential customers. This literature will make or break your sale so make it good!
It has been my experience that the worst method of responding that we have seen time and time again is asking the customer to send money in the mail for a product or service. These will not work for a variety or reasons. First, you are requiring a small classified ad to sell something in three or four sentences. A difficult task to say the least. Second, most people are understandably wary of sending money in the mail to a company that they know nothing about. The public has been warned time and again about scam companies who prey on people using this means of advertising. If you have a good product or service avoid going this route. You simply will not be pleased with your advertising results!
Where to Advertise and How Often?....
Once you have a good ad written, the next step is to seriously consider your budget. We get calls from new customers regularly who ask for guidance in what program they should purchase. The first thing we always ask is what is your monthly budget. It is surprising to us that many advertisers cannot answer that question. Before you begin, look at your finances and figure out what you can comfortably invest in advertising on a monthly basis. Take that figure and divide it by four to get a weekly figure. Then, unless you are limited in geographic regions, search according to price range on our website. For example, if you have a $175 weekly budget, go to the $100-$199 buys and see if there is anything that would suit your needs. Keep in mind that you could run one buy for $175 or several smaller buys to meet your budget. If you are limited to a certain geographic region, you will want to search by state.
The most important thing is to stick to a budget so that you can afford to run the programs for a four week run. There are several advantages to this method. First, you will get repetition which will greatly improve your response rate. We will talk more about this a little later! Secondly, we have several programs that offer multiple week discounts at four weeks. If you purchase four weeks at one time you can save a great deal of money and possibly allow you to buy into an additional market with your savings!
As for the importance of repetition, we cannot emphasize enough how critical this is! Repetitive advertising builds credibility in your advertising campaign and allows the reader to feel comfortable in responding to your ad. Repetitive advertising also builds responses. In college, we were taught the Rule of Seven. Basically, the Rule of Seven claims that a reader must see an add seven times before he or she will respond to it. New advertisers are often surprised by this number because they are not realistic in their expectations. The facts are that a newly published ad may not get noticed the first few publications, then when a reader see it, they may or may not respond. Most customers do not respond to ads the first time they see an ad, but each time they see the ad, you are building trust with them. As you get more and more visibility, you will get more responses and increase sales. The first week you advertise will never be your best. If you do a four week trial run for any program as suggested, you will be off to a good start and get a good feel for what the program will do for you.
Professionals can assist you with copy writing when you order from their service like, but it is important that you learn to recognize a good ad when you see it. You know your business better than anyone else. Who is the best choice to promote your product or service than the one person that knows your business inside and out... YOURSELF!
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Free Business Advertising

Did you ever think business advertising could be completely and truly free in our days? Well, your guess is as good as mine, but Free-Market-Site ( is throwing a big challenge to the giant ad profiteers! They are offering free business classifieds to small and big enterprises alike. This is a giant step towards making online classified advertising really free. A fat load of the 'free classified' or 'free ads' sites do not live up to the meaning of their name, which leaves a huge credibility gap in their PR and CR ethics.
There are a few other really free classifieds sites but will quickly send you to a check out or payment page once you select a business or service ad category. is risking potential revenue by offering free business and service advertising, and the big question is, 'can they survive?'. Is it sustainable to run a classifieds site where all ad categories are free.? A very popular answer is 'Time will tell', so we live to see.
Edward AB, London
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Craigslist to Remove Erotic Ads
Craigslist, the Web’s largest classified advertising site, said on Wednesday that it would close its erotic services category, which critics have said is a forum that fosters prostitution and other illegal activities.
Marcio Jose Sanchez/Associated Press
Jim Buckmaster, chief of Craigslist, said the risk of violence from classified ads in newspapers “has been 1,000 times as great as the danger associated with Craigslist.”
Times Topics: Craigslist
Craigslist has been under increasing pressure from officials in several states, as violent crimes involving people who had made contact through the site made national headlines. But the changes did not appear to go far enough to satisfy everyone in the growing ranks of Craigslist’s detractors.
Andrew M. Cuomo, New York’s attorney general, said his office had recently notified Craigslist about an impending prostitution case that involved the erotic services category.
“Rather than work with this office to prevent further abuses, in the middle of the night, Craigslist took unilateral action which we suspect will prove to be half-baked," Mr. Cuomo said in a statement.
Jim Buckmaster, chief executive of Craigslist, said the move was not made under any legal pressure.
“In striking this new balance we have sought to incorporate important feedback from all the groups that have expressed strongly held views on this subject, including some of the state A.G.’s, free speech advocates and legal businesses who are accustomed to being entitled to advertise,” Mr. Buckmaster said.
He said Craigslist, which is based in San Francisco and has 30 employees, would hire enough new employees to be able to review adult services ads for indications of violations of the site’s terms of service, which prohibit sexually explicit images and offers of sex for money, among other things. Postings to the new category would cost $10 and can be renewed for $5.
Mr. Buckmaster said the move was “strictly voluntary” and that Craigslist has always been on solid legal footing under the Communications Decency Act of 1996, which says that Web sites are not legally responsible for material contributed by their users.
Craigslist has long cultivated a permissive environment where a range of products and services, some sexual in nature, are offered and solicited. It has largely relied on its community of users to flag objectionable or illegal content.
Attorney General Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, who has been a leading critic of Web sites that can be used to initiate offline sexual encounters with minors, said state investigators would continue to monitor Craigslist to make sure illicit postings did not simply migrate to other portions of the site that are not reviewed by employees.
“We are going to be extraordinarily watchful,” he said. “We are concerned about any possible new area where ads may migrate. We are not going away.”
Craigslist announced the changes just as several highly publicized cases have converged to put the 14-year-old site under intense scrutiny. The case of Philip Markoff, a 23-year-old medical student in Boston accused of killing a woman who offered masseuse services through Craigslist, has received national attention.
In March, the sheriff of Cook County in Illinois, which includes Chicago, sued Craigslist in federal court, saying that the site was “facilitating prostitution” and asking the court to force the company to close the erotic services category.
Last week, South Carolina’s attorney general, Henry McMaster, threatened the management of Craigslist with criminal prosecution if it did not remove the local erotic services postings within 10 days.
Mr. McMaster said on Wednesday that he believed the Communications Decency Act allowed states to enforce their own laws, and that he would still consider bringing a lawsuit against Craigslist executives if erotic services postings were not removed by the end of Friday.
People with knowledge of investigations in other states said state officials had been looking for creative ways to charge the company, like using state antifraud laws that can be used to prosecute misconduct by consumer-oriented companies.
Last year, Craigslist took several measures to curb sex ads on the site. In November, as part of negotiations with 40 state attorneys general, it said it would start charging for erotic services ads and require advertisers to use a credit card for payment, theoretically allowing the company or authorities to track users down.
But state investigators said the provision proved to be inadequate, as erotic services advertisers simply used fake credit cards or untraceable debit cards.
Mr. Blumenthal of Connecticut said last Tuesday he and representatives from four other states met with a lawyer for Craigslist in New York and demanded that the company eliminate the erotic services section of the Web site by this Wednesday.
A person familiar with the negotiations, who spoke on condition of anonymity because there is tension over the issue among the various attorneys general, said Craigslist made its latest changes without fully consulting any of the state officials.
The new adult services category appeared on the site late Tuesday night, and is already home to ads for things like masseuse and escort services, similar to those that appear in alternative newspapers and the Yellow Pages.
Mr. Buckmaster of Craigslist said the criticism and the press coverage had exaggerated the threat of violence.
“The danger posed with using print classified ads has been 1,000 times as great as the danger associated with Craigslist,” Mr. Buckmaster said, pointing to a post on the company’s blog that refers to a Wikipedia entry about violent crimes linked to print classified advertising. “To trumpet one or two or three incidents and characterize them as being dangerous, or Craigslist as a place that breeds crime or where killers are on the loose, is sensationalistic when actually the complete opposite is the truth.”
Courtesy of
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